Did you know that only 1% of the stuff we buy is still in use six months later?
Annie Leonard shares this frightening fact in her brilliant book The Story of Stuff. If you’re looking for a good Earth Day read, it’s the one. Annie explores the threat of overconsumption on the environment, economy, and our health. We’re riveted—and a little mad at ourselves.
How did this happen?? We’re planet-loving people.
Well, aside from the ease of online shopping, there’s some blame to share. Manufacturers today are either intentionally making products that don’t last, or they’re telling us that the products we already have are outdated and useless. But at Stor-X, this is not the case! And we stand by our sustainable manufacturing processes with our lifetime warranty. But back to the topic at hand…
To make our homes comforting, beautiful AND sustainable, we all need to start consuming more purposefully. Start by repurposing household items.
Here’s how.
Pick a style.
Make a vision board you truly love. Fill it with scenes that inspire you and feel like the life you want to lead. Then go through your home and edit ruthlessly. If it doesn’t fit the board, donate it. If it does, pull it into the spotlight. Revolve your space around it. Celebrate what you already have… you’re well on your way.

Rethink everything.
Vintage chairs make fantastic nightstands. Hang quilts and rugs on your walls for dramatic effect. Use an old trunk as your coffee table. Turn your dad’s record stand into premium towel storage. And don’t forget about paint—a bold pop of colour can transform a tired piece of furniture. Use old things for decoration, and your space will feel like it’s full of stories.

Start fixing.
Until very recently, mending was a common life skill. Bring back the past with some basic sewing, a little wood glue, and a box of standard nails. If you’re ambitious, pick up an old sewing machine from a thrift store and start practicing. You’ll turn bed sheets into curtains in no time. Have a rattling drawer? Take a closer look, and solve the problem. Repairing broken household items is not always that tricky.

Hunt for furniture with potential.
Your Gran had fantastic furniture. Other than some dated upholstery (which is totally changeable), it was made to last for generations. Check your local Goodwill or Value Village Store for wood items that stand the test of time. Beware—online thrifting is often dominated by pros looking to resell, so don’t get discouraged by limited inventory or high prices on the ‘net.

Get some vision.
Recover an old lamp shade, and spray paint the tacky brass base. Hit up a garage sale and give something a new and exciting life. Change the hardware on anything, and it’ll feel fresh and revived. Assemble an eclectic collection of plates and serveware at second-hand stores.

Bring some outside in.
Decorating with nature is both cheap and lovely. Use a tree stump as a stool or plant stand. Stack birch branches in a corner. Build a stone cairn with smooth rocks from your yard. Find plants online for next to nothing from people who are moving, or propagate new plants from your own cuttings.

You may be stuck in a floorplan rut. Take the largest piece of furniture in the room and flip it into a brave new direction. Work with everything else until it all starts to make sense. Move curtains and bedding from one room to another. Switch around your artwork. Stack books in piles on your bookshelves instead of rows. Suddenly you’re in an entirely new space.

Feel inspired?
Us too. Doing our part for the Earth means finding beauty and value in what we already have—and that sounds like a much happier way to live.